Part 1984, part high school drama involving teens, robots and bizarre extracurricular clubs in a school the size of a city-state.

The game is a world building experiment with new locations and experiences added weekly. 

The game engine is completely custom built.


Arcadia Heights is a high school city-state populated with robot faculty and ageless amnesiac students.

Daily student life consists of going to classes, doing homework, participating in extacurricular clubs and having memory wipes. Tensions boil and gang violence erupts between some of the clubs.

Guidance counselors absolve students of their daily transgressions. School security wield shock weapons and perform random ID checks to keep students protected and safe. Headmaster Blue reigns as supreme leader. He selflessly and tirelessly gives of his time, energy and leadership experience to maintain peace, order and a healthy learning environment.

In spite of radio-silence from the Board of Education, Headmaster Blue is a hardliner and maintains loyalty to the original curriculum, tolerating no dissent from other teachers. He awaits and prepares students for the great day of Graduation.

Rumors fly of a shadow movement led by a student named Kasparov.

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